
What are common BPH treatment options?

Diagnosed with BPH? There’s something you can do about it.


Watchful Waiting

If your BPH symptoms are mild to moderate and don’t interrupt your daily routine, your doctor may recommend a watch-and-wait approach. It includes active monitoring before considering other treatments. 


Behavioural Modification

You can help control BPH symptoms by making lifestyle changes such as following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Getting regular exercise.  Maintaining a healthy weight. Reducing stress in your life. Limiting caffeine, alcohol and other beverages in the evening. And avoiding decongestants and antihistamines and other medications that can aggravate symptoms.1



Alpha blockers relax the muscles in the bladder and prostate, making it easier to urinate. Alpha reductase inhibitors help shrink the prostate gland by blocking hormones.

Water Vapor Therapy

Water Vapor Therapy is a short hospital stay treatment that uses the natural energy stored in water vapour, or steam, to treat the excess prostate tissue causing symptoms such as irregular urine flow, a weak stream, straining or getting up at night to urinate. All while preserving sexual function.2 Talk with your GP or urologist to see if Water Vapor Therapy is right for you.


Photoselective Vaporisation of the Prostate

Photoselective Vaporisation of the Prostate (PVP) is also a short hospital stay procedure that uses a high-energy laser to remove your excess prostate tissue and return urine flow. Talk with your doctor to see if PVP is right for you.


Other Surgical Options

TURP, transurethral resection of the prostate, involves using a superheated thin metal band to cut and remove tissue. Open prostatectomy may be required in complex cases. This procedure enables surgeons to remove the inner portion of the prostate blocking urine flow by making small incisions in the lower abdomen.

Take the Quiz

Take our BPH quiz to identify if you are experiencing BPH symptoms and help you kick-start the conversation about BPH with your doctor.

Questions to ask your doctor

Helpful hints on how to start the conversation with your doctor.


  1. American Urological Association Education Research, Inc. American Urological Association Guideline: Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Revised. 2010. Appendix 280, 283-5.
  2. McVary KT, Gange SN, Gittelman MC, et al. Erectile and ejaculatory function preserved with convective water vapor energy treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia: Randomized controlled study. J Sex Med. 2016 Jun;13(6):924-33.

Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

DISCLAIMER: *Individual symptoms, situations, circumstances and results may vary. This quiz is meant for information purposes only, it is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor or qualified healthcare provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment.